Hexabitz Water Level Indicator

Hexabitz Water Level Indicator is a simple project to detect the water level in tank at certain level with Hexabitz modules.

Mutantc V4 - Diy Handheld For Your Professional Works

A Raspberry-pi handheld platform with a physical keyboard, Display,Expansion header for add-on boards and NuroLink port to connect accessories.

Nb-iot Sim7000e With Mqtt Communication

NB-IoT sensors using MQTT protocol Connected to Cloud

Wind Speed Monitor Via Mqtt

In this project, we will learn How to Monitor Wind Speed with MQTT, to get the wind speed data of a specific place and display it

Ambient Light Sensor With Arduino

We need to sense intensity of light in many of our IoT/home automation projects. Here I explain a simple implementation of ambient sensor.

Live Weather Reporting Website Using Electric Imp

Here I will explain how to make your own weather reporting website using Electric Imp and its environment.

Blynk App And Lora Transreceiver Interfacing

Sending The Data From The LoRa Modules To Blynk Servers Using Ai-Thinker LoRa Modules

Air Quality Monitoring Station With Wio Terminal

The Air Quality Terminal can be used as an indoor air quality meter to monitor VOCs, CO, NO2, C2H5CH, Temp and Humidity.

Weather Simulating Desk Plant

A Weather Station Which simulate the real-time weather of your location by changing the colors of the showpiece.

My Smart Thermostat Runs Boiler, Mini-split, And Window A/c

The project will start, control, and protect a wood-fired boiler, modulating according to outdoor temperature. It will control a mini-split to provide heat or cooling. It also controls a window A/C. Statistics are rendered on Blynk graphs. Control via Blynk and Node-Red dashboard.

Diy Hand Wash Reminder

Hand Wash Reminder is a Hand Band which reminds you to wash your hands after every 20 minutes.

Weather Station With Epaper And Raspberry Pi

In this article, I explain how I created a tabletop weather station with ePaper display, a Raspberry Pi, and a ProtoStax enclosure.


Low power e-paper dashboard using ESP32

A Tape-less Measuring Tape

an arduino hooked up to an ultrasonic sensor reading to an LCD display.

Pollution Parameters Monitoring System Using Bluetooth Mesh

A system for mobile real time air pollution monitoring system has been developed. This system is being developed with an aim to monitor pollution in real time. This system uses low cost air quality monitoring sensors with location and Bluetooth modules via mesh network. we can use Radio channel instead of Bluetooth network.

Freezing A Raspberry Pi 4

It's summer time; so it's time to cool the new Raspberry Pi 4 in a crazy way!

Exhibit: The Primal Display

This very simple protip connects an LCD to a Raspberry Pi to display any data you need, like readings from a temperature sensor.

Big Real-time Clock Using Arduino

This project demonstrates the use of electronics and embedded system with clock.