Robotic Fish - Realistic Movement!

An Arduino Nano based robotic fish that imitates the swimming motion of an actual fish in the water through multiple joints made of servo motors.

Raspad3 Running Lineageos

Mobile Raspberry Pi 4 Tablet running an Android interface with Google Play Apps complete with 10 inch touchscreen, WiFi and ethernet port, USB 3.0 ports, built in battery and speakers.

Arduino Steampunk Goggles - Simple Diy

In this Tutorial we will learn how to make the Legendary SteamPunk Goggles that change colors using LED Rings and Arduino.

Raspberry Pi Tic-tac-toe Game With Hexabitz Sound Effects

This tutorial will help you play and create Tic-Tac-Toe, a very renowned game we have all got our hands on since our childhood.

Mini Drum Pad With Imxrt

This is simple Drum Pad built with Cap-sense touch and IMX-RT.

Werable Sense Gloves

Wearable Infrared thermometer with Bluetooth connectivity.

Smart Response Xe Tiny Basic Port

This is a port of the popular Arduino Basic interpreter Tiny Basic Plus for the SMART Response XE handheld computer

Mr. Miffy Rgb Led Module

A battery-powered LED module that communicates over zigbee

Creating A Calculator With 8bitcade!

This tutorial will explain how to use Arduino to program a calculator for our 8BitCADE/XL You will need to be able to understand basic Arduino syntax and Arduino classes. We advise that the following tutorials are completed before beginning: • Arduino Basic’s: Classes • Arduino Basic’s: Library & Board Setup

Hexabitz Glowing Necklace

Create yourself a stylish unique Hexabitz RGB LED Necklace that will glows with warm colors when people approach you

Hexabitz Greeting Card

The main idea of this project is to simply make a light-up electronic greeting card with Hexabitz Modules.

Arduino Video Game With Vga Video Output

This is a simple SHOOTING GAME that can run on Arduino and output video on a VGA monitor

Photostax - Digital Epaper Photo Frame

Make your own minimalist and modern photo frame with a tri-color ePaper Display

Hexabitz Water Level Indicator

Hexabitz Water Level Indicator is a simple project to detect the water level in tank at certain level with Hexabitz modules.

Hexabitz Security And Alarm System

In this project, we will learn how to make a Hexabitz Security and Alarm System.

Hexabitz Distance Measurement System

Build a tiny Distance measurement logger by connecting Hexabitz IR module to Hexabitz Micro SD card module.

Controlling Hexabitz Rgb Led Module Using 4x3 Keypad Via Ras

Controlling Hexabitz RGB LED Module Using 4x3 Keypad Via Raspberry Pi

Password Based Security System Using Rpi & Hexabitz

Using a HF1R0x C++ library to design a Password Based Security System