Understanding Of Electronic Component 01 : Arduino Uno

Discovery of Arduino lead to understanding in electronic component and even build super cool project! Arduino: https://www.arduino.cc/ Arduino IDE: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Parking Assist Stoplight

Park in your garage with perfect consistency! No more hitting the garage door or workbench!

Helium Lora Mapper

Maps the people traffic/crowd in common or remote places with Helium Network and AWS cloud.

No Escape Sanitizer

This sanitizer puts restriction for people to enter inside the door. #shops #atm #gates #letterbox

Smart Walking Stick

This walking stick can control the home appliance with the help of IoT networks.

Iot Digital Thermometer Using Lm35 And Nodemcu

Here we will make a web server to display the temperature using LM35 as a temperature sensor.

Nxp Scarab Robot

A Robot designed for Automate our routine tasks with smartness.

Air Quality Monitoring Station With Wio Terminal

The Air Quality Terminal can be used as an indoor air quality meter to monitor VOCs, CO, NO2, C2H5CH, Temp and Humidity.

Covid Free Contactless Cordless Bell Using Arduino And Rf

This project is an attempt to make a simple touchless cordless bell, without spending a lot from your pocket.

Freeform Home Environment And Air Quality Monitoring system

We often hide the electronics in a box. And cases can be done well and nicely. But when our main interest is electronics then it is sad to h

Weather Simulating Desk Plant

A Weather Station Which simulate the real-time weather of your location by changing the colors of the showpiece.

Midi Sequencer Using Thermal Camera

The Giant Board linux computer takes an 8x8 thermal image and displays it on the TFT while also assigning a musical note to each temperature. It plays a song corresponding to the temperature of the object.

Giant Board For Smart Iot Gateway In Drying System

Smart IoT Gateway could be used to collect the environmental condition in the drying system for an agricultural use cases.


I've Designed and built a Giant Board 120 Volt plug in Sensor Array for sensing Temperature/ Humidity/altitude and Motion(X,Y,Z)

Wireless Linux Data Logger

A linux based data logger over SSH Wireless made with Giant Board

Sight: For The Blind

A pair of smart glasses for the blind. Powered by Android Things and TensorFlow.

Half-life: Alyx Inspired Glove

I wanted to make something like the gloves in Half-Life: Alyx. I also slapped as many sensors on it as I could. It can sense temperature, humidity, pressure, light, altitude (calculated from pressure) and distance.

Covid-19 - Authorized Entry Using Face Mask Detection

The system is designed to detect unauthorized entry (face masks), that are essential to protect ourselves and to avoid spreading COVID-19.