Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2019 Call to Makers

Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition 2019 hits Rome October 18-20, 2019. We were thrilled to be onsite at Maker Faire Rome 2018, and are even more excited to be on the ground at Maker Faire Rome 2019! This year, Rome Maker Faire adds Maker Art as a new highlight feature. While we tend to cover mostly electronics here on Electromaker, the maker space encompasses art as well. As such, Maker Art probes the intersection between art and technology. With Rome's rich art history, what better location to explore these two seemingly disparate fields.

There's a call to both makers and artists. Maker Faire Rome 2019 seeks to foster an exhibit of interactive designs which offer a tangible journey through tech innovation. You'll find robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), audio/visual art, and even pop art. Italian artists benefit from a groundbreaking opportunity to work with tech companies for a collaborative effort in tech and art. Renowned artists including Canadian robotic artist Bill Vorn, French robotic arms portrait artist Patrick Tresset, and Naples-born New York-based video artist Mattia Casalegno will be in attendance. 

It's refreshing to see how Maker Faire Rome 2019 incorporates art, design, and tech. Lorenzo Tagliavanti, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome reveals "Maker Faire Rome is a consolidated platform, it is the place where Science meets innovation, from the ground up, by also offering training, networking, and business and is, therefore, an accelerator of the innovation process for the whole of Europe. The event is also evolving thanks to co-creation effort we are carrying out, constantly, with companies, professionals and the many institutions that support us. The new feature, Maker Art, is a testament to how contemporary art is increasingly meeting science and technology by experimenting with new forms and contents and it is no coincidence - concludes Tagliavanti - that we are seeing a larger number of European calls for proposals that promote innovation for industries and SMEs by utilising the arts."

Stay tuned for more Maker Faire Rome 2019 coverage here on Electromaker!

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