Help us make Brighton’s young people ‘future-proof’ with #BrightFutures

Our mission at, MakerClub is to ensure that young people have the stuff to thrive in the 21st Century. That they have the creativity, drive and passion to help solve the challenges of tomorrow.

We help young people develop their inherent invention and design skills in makerspaces across the UK. Whether it’s designing pollution sensors for their street or creating AI walking robots, we work with children as young as 8 to help them invent solutions to global problems.

This is a mission that is totally aligned with Electromaker and why we’re really proud to be partnering with them for our #Brightfutures campaign, looking at what life will be like for our hometown of Brighton, by 2040.

What will it be like to work in a job? What skills will we need to have and what should we be teaching our kids today to make sure they are ready?

Over 12 months we’ll be running hacks, developing free courses and releasing loads of content all about education, action and development. A big part of this is the hacker and maker community, whose values and skill-set are already a huge influence of where we all go as a society.

Please feel free to join the conversation using #BrightFutures or go to for more details.

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