LED With Arduino 101

Learn how to light a LEDs using Digital Write and AnalogWrite on Arduino 101!

Upgrade Firmware & Library of Arduino 101

This tutorial explains how to upgrade firmware and library of Arduino 101.

Accelerometer Using Arduino 101

Learn how to read Accelerometer Sensor on Arduino 101 and show tilt status on LED.

Gyroscope With Arduino 101

Learn how to read Gyroscope Sensor on Arduino 101 and show tilt status on LED.

Lead Acid Battery Capacity Tester (updated)

A 12 V Lead-Acid Battery is Discharged at a Constant Current (Programmable) for a Period of Time to get Terminal Voltage VS Time curve

Hiking Tracker

Tracks compass heading, altitude, temperature, pressure, humidity, time, travel distance and GPS location during a hike.

Bert, the Walking Monster Robot

Meet Bert, a bipedal walking monster robot.

Oink, The Game Controlled By A Pig

A fun little game controlled by a pig, using an Arduino 101 and Processing.

Smart Garbage Monitoring System Using Arduino 101

A method in which waste management is automated. An innovative system that will help keep the city clean and healthy

Bio-smart Wear

My application is based on the use of this kind of devices to connect our body to the cloud.