Third Eye: Face Recognition Model, Ocr (read) & Translation

Third eye is an assistive device for the visually impaired that integrates face recognition model, OCR & Translation system (7 languages)

Simple Scope Using Nextion Display & Visuino

Learn how easy it is to make a simple scope using Nextion display with Arduino and Visuino. Watch the Video!

Gear Shift Indicator Using Visuino

In this tutorial we will make a Gear Shift Indicator using GC9A01 SPI Display, Arduino and Visuino program. Watch the Video!

Gc9a01 Display - Simple Weather Station

In this tutorial we will make a simple Weather Station using GC9A01 SPI Display, DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor, Arduino and Visuino.

Rfid Reader Using Nodemcu Esp8266 & Visuino

In this project we are going to read RFID tags using NodeMcu ESP8266 & Visuino and display tag ID on the OLED Display. Watch the Video!

Add Voice Control To Lego Planetarium Using Arduino Nano 33

Our aim is to build a voice-activated planetarium using an Arduino Nano 33 IoT, a Nema 17 motor, and a Lego planetarium kit. This combination is sure to make for a fun and innovative experience. Let’s dive in and get started! Imagine if you tell the planetarium to "move forward ten days," and it does as you say.

Nextion Display - Control Font Color Using Commands

In this project we are going to make a project with VL53L0X is a Time of Flight distance sensor to measure the distance of the obstacle.

Esp32 Display Tutorial: Draw Gui With Lovyangfx丨lesson 2

Learn to draw graphics and text on your ESP32 display using LovyanGFX and TFT_eSPI libraries.

Pixelpanda | A 3d Printed Rgb Matrix Pc Build

A 3D printed custom PC based on new LattePanda MU.

Setting Up The Development Environment With Esp32 Display

Learn how to set up your ESP32 Display with CrowPanel the tutorial. Perfect for beginners looking to get started with Elecrow's CrowPanel.

Scrolling Text On Arduino Uno R4 Wifi Using Visuino

In this tutorial we will learn how to scroll the text on the Arduino UNO R4 display using Visuino. Watch the video!

Display Text On Rp2040-matrix Using Visuino

In this tutorial we are going to display text on the RP2040-Matrix using Visuino. Watch the Video!

Display Time On M5stack Cores3 Esp32-s3

In this project you can learn how to use Visuino to display time on the M5Stack CoreS3 using internal RTC module.

Easy! Ultrasonic Sensor Hc-sr04 With Arduino Uno R4

In this tutorial we will learn how to use Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 to display the obstacle distance on the Arduino UNO R4 display.

Big Font Characters Display Time On Lcd 20x4 Using Visuino

In this project you can see how to make Big Font LCD Characters on the I2C 20X4 LCD using Visuino by displaying CPU time. Watch the video!

Led Matrix Countdown Timer Using Visuino

In this tutorial we are going to build a simple Countdown timer using LED Matrix MAX7219 and Arduino. Watch the Video!

Led Indicator Module Light Effects Using Visuino

In this tutorial we will learn how to use LED Indicator Module using Visuino. Watch the video!

Adafruit Mprls - Pressure Sensor Using Visuino Custom Code

In this tutorial we are going to read the values from a Pressure Sensor Adafruit MPRLS by using a Custom Code component in Visuino Pro.