How To Connect 3d Printer To Ar Glasses

We connected our 3D printer with an augmented reality headset. The Tactigon Skin acts as gesture controller!


This is a 3d zoetrope with a ghost/pumpkin animation.

Tiny Mega Land: The Place Where Drawings Come to Life!

I’ve always wanted my drawings to come to life, so I made it happen!


Raspberry Pi zero portable music player

Diy - Lan Cable Tester

In this project, I am going to make a LAN cable tester with just a few basic electronics components. The entire project, excluding the battery cost me just a bit over $3.

Robot Arm That Mimics Your Arm Movements

This project shows 3D printed robot arm that mimics your arm movements. The arm motion is sensed using accelerometers and a digital compass.

Meet R3-14, My Personal Assistant

R3-14 has many features, including integration with Siri and Google Assistant, to help with daily tasks while also brightening your day.

Dual Axis Solar Tracker Panel With Auto And Manual Mode

A solar panel that can rotate in two axis either automatically using four light sensors, either manually with the aid of two potentiometers.

Arduino Glasses A Hmd For Multimeter

Building an HMD with no special parts, to make work easier and safer

Diy - Battery Powered Hot Styrofoam Cutter

I needed a hot wire cutter to slice up some Styrofoam for my BB8 project. I looked at buying one but they were not as cheap so I decided to make one of my own and I was so pleased with it I decided to share it with anyone else who wants to make one.

Word Clock - Customisable And Easy To Build

WIN ELECTROMAKER SWAG! Simply submit your code improvements or suggestions for this project in the comments section at the bottom of the page. The top 5 comments will win an Electromaker swag bag. Have your clock tell you the time in full written sentences by lighting up hidden words in a grid of random letters. The face can also be easily swapped once complete to give it almost any style or look you like.

Feeding Cat Remotely Using Smartphone

Do you wanna feed your pet when you are not at home? I have made a feeding machine that can be controlled on a browser using your smartphone.

Face Controlled Santa's Shop Window Display

Standing on the sidewalk, your smile or facial position control elements of a "behind the glass" animated window display.

Home Automation Lamp

A simple build of a sleeping room lamp which can wake you up with an artificial sunrise.

Candy Tosser

This "talking, watching, listening" candy dispenser is triggered by the code word, "Alexa." When "Alexa" is heard, the Adafruit sound board requests, "If you want candy, smile NOW!" The Google AIY vision kit watches for a smile and flings candy toward the smiling target.

Raspberry Pi Zero + Repetier Server

Pi Zero is crazy tiny and it works well for low-er use CPU programs like the Repetier-Server.

Mike's Robot Dog

Boston Dynamics' robot dog, Spot Mini is unavailable at any price. A Chinese copy is $30,000. Cut 99% of the cost and build one at home.

Persistence Of Vision Star Wars Lightsaber!

This project shows how to build a persistence of vision lightsaber using the ESP32, neopixels and a gyro.