Early Warning Detection For Landslide
About the project
Arduino Nano 33 IoT for Early Warning Detection for Landslide Integrated with IoT Qubitro Platfrom.
Project info
Difficulty: Moderate
Platforms: Arduino
Estimated time: 4 days
License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)
Items used in this project
This project is aimed to use IoT standard protocol MQTT and IoT Qubitro Platform to build an analytic model, with an Arduino Nano 33 IoT to collect data related to landslide movement patterns (vertical, horizontal, idle, and fault). It has been made by programming with Arduino IDE, MQTT IoT Qubitro, and WiFiNINA library to connect to the MQTT broker. We could send the data to the IoT Qubitro cloud in real-time, which is able to visualize raw data of sensors.
A network sensor system consists of MCU (Arduino 33 IoT) Dev Kit as data acquisition that collects and processes raw data of sensors, and embedded WiFi module as internet connectivity, and an integrated LSM6DS3 which is an accelerometer and gyroscope sensor. The implementation has been connected to a Qubitro MQTT broker, and Qubitro cloud. Also, it has been used to visualize data analytics on Qubitro portal to build a model to classify the patterns of landslides.

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