Items used in this project
Hardware components
Step 1: Parts and Material
Arduino Uno x 1
Relay Module x 7
Arduino MP3 Shield x 1
Speaker: 3W, 4 ohms x 2
RGB LED panel x 7
Step 2: Hardware
I had cut the Plywood to the required dimension and Glass to cover each RGB LED Panel.
The 12V adapter is installed for powering the device and a separate adapter is used to light the LED Panel. The Relay Connections are used to switch the LED Color Panels. Make sure that the supply is isolated.
Drill the plywood to mount the PCB.

Step 3: Connections
*Arduino -> BT MODULE*
- TX -> RX
- RX -> TX
- VCC -> 3.3v
- GND -> GND
*Arduino -> Relay Board*
- IN1 -> A1
- IN2 -> A2
- IN3 -> A3
- IN4 -> A4
- IN5 -> A5
- IN6 -> A6
- IN7 -> A7
- VCC -> VCC
- GND -> GND
*Arduino -> MP3Module*
- TX -> D10
- RX -> D11
- VCC -> 3.3v
- GND -> GND

Step 4: The Code
You can find the sample code below.
Step 5: Application
For now, we will use the ready-made application. In the following days, I will publish the application once after the certificates are processed.
APP Screenshot:

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the lonely programmer
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