100 Led Chaser Circuit Using Ic555 And Cd4017

In this tutorial I am going to create a chaser circuit that can drive 20 or more LEDs using 555 timer IC and CD4017 decade counter.

Muscle-powered Pi Music 🎶

Controlling Raspberry Pi Audio with EMG Signals and Hexabitz Modules 🎶🎵🎚️💪

4x4x4 Pcb Led Cube

In this tutorial I'll show you guys how to make this super simple 4x4x4 PCB LED cube "without over complicating anything".

Destiny Internet Ghost - Internet Notifier

This year, I wanted to extend the watchdogs horizon by adding an "Internet Status Notifier" that displays the current status of the Internet using an RGB LED.

Flex Pcb Based Actuator

A really useful thin actuator for your Projects

Liquid Level Indicator Using Uln2003

In this tutorial, I am going to use the ULN2003 IC to create a simple, inexpensive water level indicator.

All About Ic Unl2003

Let's deep-dive and check out the internals of the ULN2003 IC and how it can be used in our projects.

Springtime Santa Shenanigans: Diy Santa Claus-shaped Pcbs (f

Who says Santa only visits in December? 🎅 Join the hilarity as I dive into the springtime spirit with some seriously tardy Santa PCBs

Nodemcu Based: 3d Printed Indoor Gauge Thermometer

Created an Arduino/NodeMCU based indoor dial thermometer

Rpi Pico Controlled Matrix Display - Hub75 Style

The project is a Raspberry Pi Pico shield for RGB LED matrix displays using the HUB75 interface. The RPi Pico is controlled by Micro Python code, one use case is a YouTube subscriber button inclding sound

3d Printed Rechargeable Gothic Lantern

My curiosity to create something new and interesting got me into creating this gothic style rechargeable lantern.

Pixo | Dazzling Desk Display

Pixo | Dazzling Desk Display

Kids Led Projector ✨

A Simple Machine for Kids to Bring Their Drawings to Life

Modeling And Simulation Electronic Circuits Using Python

#️⃣ The project aims to model and simulate electronic circuits using Python and Raspberry Pi #️⃣

555 Adjustable Delay On Off Timer Circuit

In this tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to make an "Adjustable Delay Timer Circuit" using the 555 timer IC.

3d Printed Arduino Halloween Décor

In this Spooktacular video I am going to create an Arduino based 3D printed Halloween Décor. It's super easy, fun and spooky.

Diy Pomodoro Pcb Watch - Boost Your Productivity!

If you've been looking for a way to supercharge your productivity and manage your time effectively, this DIY project is perfect for you.

All About Rcwl-0516 Microwave Radar Motion Sensor

In this tutorial, we are going to look at another method of proximity sensing using "Microwaves" and "Doppler Effect".