Cysmart Spider

About the project

This Smart Spider is controlled through Smartphone/Tablet via Bluetooth Low Energy (PSoC4 BLE). Designed for PSoC® Pioneer Challenge 2015

Project info

Difficulty: Moderate

Platforms: AndroidCypress

Estimated time: 1 hour

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

1Sheeld+ for iOS and Android 1Sheeld+ for iOS and Android x 1
Tiny Breadboard Tiny Breadboard x 1
L293DNE L293DNE x 1
CYW20819 BLE Mesh 5.0 Kit CYW20819 BLE Mesh 5.0 Kit x 1

Software apps and online services

CySmart Spider CySmart Spider


CySmart Spider  - Its a simple project using Cypress Low Energy Bluetooth (PSoC4BLE) to control the Hex Bug in a smart manner.

I just purchased the Hex Bug Spider XL from online store (Amazon) for 25$. It comes with small remote through RF. Using of remote we can rotate its head in all direction (360) also we can make move forward or backward.Inside the Hex bug two DC motors are used for head rotation and legs movement. The DC motors are controlled through the small circuit board , mounted inside the Hex Bug. I just removed the circuit board and replace with cypress PSoC4BLE board(CY8CKIT-142). In-order to drive the DC motors i used L293DNE Quadruple Half-H Drivers. LED's are directly connected to the PSoC4 BLE ports. 3 AA battery is used for power the Spider. 4.5v is used for L293DNE and 3V is used for PSoC4BLED board.And finally the hardware setup is ready.Software is developed with PSoC Creator.

Next part is Android application to maneuver the CySmart Spider. I took the example of CySmart Application and trim down into small application with one profile (RGB). After that I implemented the joystick controls and finally the Android application is ready in the name of "CySmart Spider".

After all set, I am able to maneuver the Spider with my android phone.Comparing to the original remote the android based joystick is very easier to maneuver it. hopefully in a future the hex bugs would come in smart way.


Schematics, diagrams and documents

PSoC4 BLE Schematic


CySmart Spider


Photo of ashokr


Hello! I’m Ashok. I’m currently working as software engineer. passionate about doing Hobbies Projects and Animations works.


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