Anavi's New Macro Pads: A Blend of Innovation and Versatility

Anavi, a name recognized for its innovative tech solutions, is back in the spotlight with the launch of another pair of macro pads. If you've been following our updates, you might remember the Anavi Macro Pad 10, a project that exceeded its humble $1 goal by raising a whopping $5,000. This macro pad, powered by a Seeed Xiao RP2040, was programmable with the Arduino IDE and MicroPython, making it a hit among tech enthusiasts.

We featured Anavi's new macro pads in this week's episode of The Electromaker show. Checkout the feature below:


The Macro Pad 10 featured a rotary encoder and even had versions that were just knobs. A unique aspect of this macro pad was its I2C add-on, allowing users to add any other I2C device to it. This feature is carried forward to Anavi's new macro pads, making them a versatile tool for various applications.

What to expect with ANAVI Macro Pad 12

Anavi's new pre-launch project includes a twelve-key macro pad, an upgrade from the previous three-by-three layout to a three-by-four one. They also introduced an arrow keypad with a rotary encoder. Both these macro pads come with OLED displays, but the displays can be removed to attach any I-squared C device. This opens up a world of possibilities, such as adding a gesture sensor for volume control or other custom functions.

The new macro pads, like their predecessor, are powered by the Xiao RP2040 version, making them easy to hack and customize. They also use the CircuitPython keyboard library and Firmware KMK, an advanced yet user-friendly firmware written in CircuitPython.


For mechanical keyboard enthusiasts, these macro pads offer an additional advantage. They use the same hot-swappable, no-soldering-required mechanism for swapping out keyboard keys. This means you can customize your macro pad with your favorite switches and keycaps, making it truly your own.

How much will the ANAVI Macro Pad 12 cost?

While the pricing for these new macro pads is yet to be announced, a look at Anavi's previous offerings can give us a ballpark figure. The Macro Pad 10 kit was priced at $45, the knobs kit at $32, and the knob one at $29.


If you're interested in learning more about these macro pads, you can sign up for updates on Anavi's page. As always, we'll keep you posted on the latest developments in the world of tech. Make sure you are subscribed to our YouTube channel for more exciting updates from crowd supply and beyond!

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