Simple Nfc Reader

About the project

This project demonstrates reading an NFC tag and controlling the RGB LED with a PN1720 controller.

Items used in this project

Hardware components

NXP NFC Reader - PN7120 NXP NFC Reader - PN7120 x 1
NXP LPC824 Xpresso Board NXP LPC824 Xpresso Board x 1
NFC Coins (TAG) NFC Coins (TAG) x 1


This project demonstrates the controlling of an RGB LED by reading NFC tags via NFC reader (PN1720). LPC824 Xpresso board is interfaced with PN1720 controller via I2C Interface.

NFC coins are pre programmed with texts field "RED," "BLUE," "GREEN" and "WHITE."

The LPC824 Xpresso board comes with RGB LED, which is going to be controlled via NFG tags. PN1720 can operate in read or write mode for this demo by default its configured to read mode.

Flashing the NFC coins on the reader antenna (2cm maximum) will change the color of RGB based on the text which written on the Tag.

The working demo is here:

Schematics, diagrams and documents


Only I2c & LED connections



Only changes required with Basic Demo


Photo of ashokr


Hello! I’m Ashok. I’m currently working as software engineer. passionate about doing Hobbies Projects and Animations works.


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