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Odroid Crypto Mining: Cryptocurrency Mining on Odroid XU4
The Odroid XU4 is an uber-powerful single-board computer (SBC). It’s a superb Raspberry Pi alternative which, with its octa-core processing, is capable of running a variety of operating systems. Since cryptocurrency mining on the Raspberry Pi is possible, Odroid crypto mining is feasible as well. Learn about Odroid XU4 cryptocurrency mining!

Using a Raspberry Pi for a Crypto Currency Wallet
Despite its weakness, when compared with mid-range to high-end graphics processing units (GPUs) computing power, the Raspberry Pi is capable of cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency Mining on the Raspberry Pi
Cryptocurrency is incredibly popular, from Bitcoin to Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero. These digital assets are digital, decentralized currencies. There are two main methods for obtaining cryptocurrency: mining and purchasing. Learn all about cryptocurrency mining on the Raspberry Pi!