Remote Alerting Mailbox

You've already waited long enough to get your snail mail. Now use Blues + Pico + Twilio, so it doesn't just sit outside your door!

Remote Birding With Tensorflow Lite And Raspberry Pi

Learn how to use machine learning on a Raspberry Pi in a remote environment (complete with cellular connectivity and solar power!).

Solar-powered Crypto Mining With Raspberry Pi

Learn how to create a solar-powered cryptocurrency "mining rig" with cloud-based reporting on a Raspberry Pi using a PiJuice and Notecard.

Notecade: Monitor Your Retro Gaming With The Notecard

Build a web-based dashboard to monitor your retro gaming with the Pimoroni Picade and the Blues Wireless Notecard.

Cellular Signal Heatmap With Raspberry Pi Pico And Gps

Create a Google Map heatmap with cellular and GPS data acquired by a Raspberry Pi Pico and Notecard, using Python and Google Cloud Platform.