Stm32 Dfu File Converter

Command Line Executable for Easy DFU Upload

Vintage Car On-board Messaging System

What to do when you're stuck in the middle of the Sahara with a a flat tire ? Isn't it a good excuse to use XBee pro for sending messages.

3d Printed Car Part

This project describe how I avoided buying an expensive kit to replace a broken plastic part of my car.

Thinky-i-nator, The Innovation Safety Helmet

In need of a good idea? Try the one and only Thinky-I-Nator!

Meet Tata, The Cutest Robot Pet!

Say hi to Tata, the cutest remote controlled robot pet!

The Goodbye Machine: Automate Your Goodbyes

Easily tell people how you feel with a machine!

Diy - Lan Cable Tester

In this project, I am going to make a LAN cable tester with just a few basic electronics components. The entire project, excluding the battery cost me just a bit over $3.

How To Control Lights Through Gesture

A new application for The Tactigon Skin, this time combined to Raspberry Pi to achieve a futuristic lights control!


Capacitive Board (CapBoard) is a device based on Arduino Nano for turning conductive objects into a capacitive sensor to detect the touch.

Dark Theme For Arduino Ide

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the dark theme for your Arduino IDE for the reason of overexposure to the screen light.

Step Sequencer

Step Sequencer is a small expansion board for Arduino Uno that realizes a six-stage step sequencer producing 8-bit tone sequences.

Guide To Raspbian And Other Raspberry Pi Software

Everything you ever wanted to know about Raspbian and Raspberry Pi Software. Learn all the variety of RPi images and applications.

Measuring Distance With Sound

Using ultrasonic sensors to measure distance of obstacles, taking into account temperature and humidity that affect the speed of sound.

Diy - Battery Powered Hot Styrofoam Cutter

I needed a hot wire cutter to slice up some Styrofoam for my BB8 project. I looked at buying one but they were not as cheap so I decided to make one of my own and I was so pleased with it I decided to share it with anyone else who wants to make one.

Plant Watering Alarm System With Arduino

A device that warns us with light sound and a sign when our plant needs water.

Siricontrol: Add Siri Voice Control To Any Project

SiriControl is an open source python framework, which developers can extend to add Siri voice control to any project.

Smart Energy Saver For Your Home

My aim is to minimize the loss of electricity there is when people forget to switch off their fans or lights, through smart home solution.

Using Ibm's Watson For Ph And Ec Measurements

This will show how to monitor EC, pH, and temperature of a hydroponics setup and upload the data to IBM's Watson service. Watson is free to get started with. There are paid plans, but the free plan is more than enough for this project.