How To Display The Price Of Bitcoin With A Raspberry Pi

About the project

This is a fun project with a Raspberry Pi and an e-ink display to track the current price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Project info

Difficulty: Easy

Platforms: Raspberry PiPython

Estimated time: 2 hours

License: GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL3+)

Items used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Zero W Raspberry Pi Zero W x 1
Adafruit 2.13" Monochrome E-Ink Bonnet Adafruit 2.13" Monochrome E-Ink Bonnet x 1


Video Tutorial


This is a fun project with a Raspberry Pi and an e-ink display to track the current price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Here is an image of what the final product looks like:

In order to run the software required to display the price of Bitcoin you will first need to make sure you have Git installed on your Raspberry Pi.

In order to install Git on the Raspberry Pi, simply run the following in the terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install git

Next we are going to clone my repository named cryptopi from Github:

$ git clone

Next we are going to change directory into the newly cloned repository:

$ cd cryptopi

Lastly we are going to start the program to display the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum:

$ python

Thanks for Reading

Thank you for reading my full build guide for CryptoPi. If you liked it please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel for more content like this!




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