Building A Lorawan -> Wi-fi -> Cellular Fallback Iot Device

Using the Blues Notecard LoRa, along with a Cellular + Wi-Fi Notecard, allows you to build a bulletproof wireless connectivity device.

Sensecap M2: In865 Lora Gateway, 4g-ready Deployment

Configuring the SenseCAP M2 Multiplatform LoRaWAN Gateway with 4G Backhaul for the IN865 Indian Frequency Band.

Cattle Collar Using Sensecap T1000a And Qubitro

Will deploy Seeed Studio's SenseCAP T1000A to the cattle and monitor their behavior via LoRaWAN and Qubitro

Who's In The Office?

In this project, we will learn how to automate the process of keeping track of employees that go to the office in a Google Spreadsheet. All we need is the Arduino MKR WAN 1310, an RFID reader and The Things Network’s LoRaWAN connectivity