Indoor-outdoor Environmental Classification Using Tinyml

This project is a proof of concept to demonstrate how you can implement Indoor and Outdoor classification using tinyML and Nordic Thingy:91.

Smart Home: Fall Alert Monitoring For The Elderly

Build a battery-powered, cellular enabled, fall alert system with the Thingy:91 to monitor for any falls by the elderly!

Cold Chain Monitoring Using Nordic Thingy : 91

A TinyML model using Edge Impulse will predict the status of cold chain like Over heat, Sun Light exposure etc. throughout the transport.

Thingy The Toast Master

In this project, I have shown how to use Thingy:91 with Edge Impulse to toast your bread perfectly.

Solar-powered Tinyml Bird Feeder!

Use an ESP-32 Cam and an Edge Impulse model to take photos of your avian friends visiting your solar-powered bird feeder!

Thermal Image Anomaly Detection With Tinyml

Build an anomaly detection ML model with Edge Impulse based on thermal images, with data sent over cellular to the cloud via the Notecard.


AI-powered autonomous checkout system for retail stores.

Ai Powered Thermal Camera For Safe Camping

TinyML model running Wio Terminal can identify if animal or human is approaching even in the dark and alert campers.

Play Chrome's Dino Game Physically 🦕

Learn how to play Chrome's dino game physically using Edge Impulse and Seeed Studio Wio Terminal.

J.a.r.v.i.s: Led's Can Hear You.

The goal of the project is to create an intelligent system that recognizes and reacts to twelve keywords such as ON, OFF, etc. These keywords are transmitted from one device to another device over a CANopen network, where LED's respond to these keywords.

Running Faucet Alarm

Detect running faucet using low powered i.MXRT1010 Development board and Edge Impulse Studio

Nano 33 Iot With Mqtt & Edge Impulse Studio

Arduino Nano 33 IoT with MQTT protocol for sending accelerometer and gyroscope data to the cloud.

Voice Recognition At The Edge

I have built a device which can detect voice commands and takes action.