Widow's Might

How do we bridge today’s digital divide to connect homebound and elderly persons with helpful existing services?

Emo - Your Personal Companion Robot

An open-source personal companion robot

The Arm Oh My Robot E.m.m.a. Controlled With A Gang

The finger of my arm move with a servo controled by an arduino mega, and the gang works with flex sensors and a accelerometer gyroscope. And all this is powered by two external batteries

Ai-assisted Air Quality Monitor W/ Iot Surveillance

Log NO2, O3, and weather data, train a NN model to detect air pollution & display real-time results w/ surveillance footage on a PHP web app

Chatgpt Is Not An Artist

Here is my 50 cents on using ChatGPT with Arduino and its drawbacks for electronic prototyping

Oscilloscope For Raspberry Pi Led Matrix

A plug and play oscilloscope that reads from an audio interface. Plug it into guitars, mics, music devices, anything that can be read from your interface. Visualize anything that makes sound

Rp2040 Based Pi-day Bling

RP2040-based bling that changes its LED color when it detects one of three keywords: "Pi", "3.14", or "Irrational"

Basics Of Arduino (tinkercad)

Arduino and Tinkercad are two powerful tools that are transforming the world of electronics and engineering.

Iot Ai-driven Yogurt Processing & Texture Prediction | Blynk

Collect environmental factors and culture amount while producing yogurt. Then, run a neural network model via Blynk to predict its texture.

Iot Ai-assisted Deep Algae Bloom Detector W/ Blues Wireless

Take deep algae images w/ a borescope, collect water quality data, train a model, and get informed of the results over WhatsApp via Notecard

Arduino Based Concrete Clock With Touchless Night Lamp

In this tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to create this Arduino based touchless concrete clock.

Control Nema 17 Stepper Motor With A4988 Driver And Arduino

In this tutorial we will use stepper driver A4988, NEMA17 stepper motor, Arduino Uno and Visuino to run a stepper motor.

Keypad Controlled Door Locking System Using Arduino

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a Locking system using a Keypad and Arduino.

Control Linear Actuator Using A Capacitive Touch Button

In this Project we will learn how easy it is to control a Linear Actuator with Arduino using a Capacitive touch button and Visuino.

Id Chicken Eggs With Thermal Images, Ml, And Cellular Iot

In part one of a two-part project, we display thermal images on a TFT display, save them to flash, all to build an ML model w/ SMS alerts!

Rainbow Lamps

ESP NOW Base Wireless Synchronized Lamps

Flex Controlled Air Powered Gripper

A silicone air powered gripper controlled with a flex sensor glove.

The Nap Button

A simple project that uses an old Speaker pHAT and a Pi Zero to make a nice-sleep inducing sound, on the press of a button.