Rpi Pico Controlled Matrix Display - Hub75 Style

The project is a Raspberry Pi Pico shield for RGB LED matrix displays using the HUB75 interface. The RPi Pico is controlled by Micro Python code, one use case is a YouTube subscriber button inclding sound

Alternative Wii Controller

Mario Kart Wii is a great game, but the controls are awkward. So, I built an alternative controller to play the game with a D-pad.

How To Make Diy Music Reactive Rgb Led Ring (ws2812b)

In this tutorial we are going to make music reactive lights with Arduino Nano ESP32 board with Neopixels LED ring & microphone using Visuino

Hands-on With Cellular Iot On The Raspberry Pi 5

Learn how to add low-bandwidth cellular connectivity to the new Raspberry Pi 5 single-board computer.

Neo Pixels Ring With Arduino Nano

Will guide you to integrate the Neo Pixel Ring with Arduino Nano

Temperature Control Neo Pixels With Arduino Nano

Will guide you to build a DHT11 controlled Neo pixel lighting system with Arduino Nano

555 Adjustable Delay On Off Timer Circuit

In this tutorial, I am going to show you guys how to make an "Adjustable Delay Timer Circuit" using the 555 timer IC.

You Can Bus Build This Vehicle Monitor System Too!

This project by Hayden Roche use Notecard and the Adafruit M4 CAN Express to monitor CAN bus for messages with particular IDs and upload those messages to the cloud.

Cellular Automated Hydroponics System With Blues& Qubitro

The objective of this project is to develop an Automated Hydroponics system that integrates cellular IoT.

Node Red Controlled Neo Pixel On Raspberry Pi 4

Will guide you through implementing neo pixel with Node-Red and Raspberry Pi 4.

Arduino Nano Esp32 Handheld Gaming Console - It Plays Doom!

Create your handheld gaming console using an Arduino Nano ESP32 and play Doom on the go.

Make Diy Interactive Paper Robot With Hexabitz 🤖👋😊

Make a robot that reacts to gestures by waving its arms in a cheer!

Ultra Low-powered Linux Computer Using Mcu

A portable computer that runs on a Linux operating system can fit in your pocket.

Build An Outdoor Heat Index Monitoring Solution With Blues

Learn how to create an outdoor heat index monitoring + alerting IoT project using Twilio and the Blues Notecard.

Automatic irrigation and plant watering system

The watering system using Arduino and soil moisture sensor. Also, we can control the water supply automatically through this system.

Remotely Query Sensor Data Via Sms

Learn how to use text messaging to report on remote sensor data with Twilio and the Blues Notecard.

Lora Powered Solar Pv Monitoring System With Blues &qubitro

Will guide you to build a LoRa E5-powered solar PV monitoring system with Blues cellular IoT and Qubitro cloud.

Coffee Fountain

Turning Donations into a Coffee Cup Water Feature