Pixel Blast

Pixel Blast is an interactive installation made up of nine ‘Persistence of Vision’ displays which create hologram-like imagery.

Learning Servos With The Raspberry Pi And Adafruit Servohat

Tutorial on mastering servos on the raspberry pi the fun way.

Vanity: The Automatic Selfie Stick

I was asked to put together a vanity project that expresses how much people can be engulfed by social media and the automatic. This selfie stick targets faces and tracks them to periodically take snapshots. Portable power and RealVNC for a totally wireless set up.

How To Make A Awesome Bluetooth Speaker

How to turn a broken speaker into a cool looking bluetooth one

How To Make A Handheld Console With Raspberrypi3

How to build a Rasberry Pi 3 game console with the help of a well put together kit by Adafruit and a raspberry Pi3,

Diy - Arduino Based Car Parking Assistant

In this tut I am going to use an ultrasonic sensor to calculate a car's distance from t garage wall & display it using green yellow LED

The Pibadge

Device inspired by the Combadge from Star Trek that can turn on computers using speech commands.

Automatic Door Locking System Controlled By Mobile

I made a simple mechanism for opening & closing my pre-installed door latch,and combined it with Arduino Uno via some simple coding.

A Bitcoin Address Monitoring Tool Built With A Raspberry Pi And A Lcd Display

If you want to keep an eye on some wallets, this is your tool.

The Raspbinator

A Terminator-inspired, Raspberry Pi-driven facial recognition talking robot head.