Rgb Potion

A fully RGB colour customisable potion!

PSoC 4: The Auto Ranging Multi-Meter

An auto ranging meter with diode/LED, resistance, capacitance, continuity testing capabilities. No Voltage or Current measurements !

Diy Electronic Horn For A Bicycle Or Car

The LM555 generates an electronic horn signal which is amplified by an LM386. The tone and gain of the horn can be easily varied. The horn can be used in a car, scooter, cycle, and motorbike.

PSoC : Auto Ranging Ohms Meter

Utilizing IDAC to inject current through unknown Resistor & measuring Voltage across it with 12 bit ADC finally Ohms Law to find Resistance.

Diy Musical Doorbell

Learn how to make a simple musical bell using the UM66T melody generator IC.

How To Make A Siren Generator

Learn How to Make a DIY Electronic Siren Generator circuit that can produce police car siren, emergency ambulance siren & fire brigade sound using the IC UM3561a Siren Tone Generator.

Time To Live

How long do you have? A magic book to tell you exactly that!

Avengers: Endgame Posters On Adafruit Pyportal

The Adafruit PyPortal IoT device is Python powered and used to display the Avengers Endgame character posters.

Bitcoin Tracker Using A Raspberry Pi

The Bitcoin Tracker can display information such as Price, Bitcoins in circulation, No. of Bitcoins left to mine, Hash Rate, etc

Full Color Pov Display Using Wireless Charging Module

I made a full color POV display using a wireless charging module and DotStar LED tape.

Hiking Tracker

Tracks compass heading, altitude, temperature, pressure, humidity, time, travel distance and GPS location during a hike.

Cloud Connected Traffic Control System For Smarter Cities

Who likes traffic? NO ONE! Time to do something about it! Bidirectional communication with every intersection and Azure cloud A.I. FTW!

The Musical Chair

A musical chair to play the game of musical chairs with random household sounds. Made using a Circuit Playground, Processing and Pure Data.

Randomrex - The Tweeting Picture Frame

A tweeting picture frame made by Rex, the floofiest member of 8 Bits and a Byte

The Plotti Botti: An Internet Controlled Drawing Robot!

The Plotti Botti is an XY plotter attached to a whiteboard, which can be controlled by anyone via LetsRobot. tv.

Wireless Vcr Controlled Over The Internet

Video surveillance has always been a hot topic and implementing ways to keep an eye on things remotely doesn't have to be difficult.

South Park's Buddha Box

A real, working version of South Park's Buddha Box.

Pocket Pi

Attempt to make a Pocket Pi made with parts I had laying around.