Maker Wizardry, LoRaWAN Decade Long Battery Life Sensors, The Cutest Hacking Tool Ever, and More!

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Could You Beat a Raspberry Pi at Noughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe)?
Unveiled at the Maker Faire New York in Autumn 2017, the Tic-Tac-Toe Robot is a Raspberry Pi-based project that challenges (and beats) a human player.

How an Arduino Can Help Make Geocaching Awesome Again!
Geocaching - the GPS-era version of letterboxing - has always been awesome, but over the past few years has seen its popularity drop.
Create a 3D Printed Drawing Robot with Arduino!
Everyone likes to doodle, but few of us can draw well. Straight lines, in particular, can be difficult to master. Technical drawings and designs usually require a ruler and protractor, as well as a set square.

An artificially intelligent tea maker you can control using SMS
Building an artificially intelligent tea maker that would make Guy Martin the perfect cup of tea based on how he was feeling on that day.

Furlexa: The Furby-Raspberry Pi Cross with Added Alexa!
Smart toys are all the rage these days, but what about hacking an older toy into 21st century awesomeness?

Cut Your Grass with a DIY Robot Lawn Mower!
Your lawn is probably settled for the winter – but what plans have you made for the first cut of the year? Another time-consuming battle with the over-long grass of the global warming age?

Make Your Raspberry Pi Mobile with the NoodlePi
Your Raspberry Pi is so small that it should be mobile by default. But it isn’t – so what are your options? Smartphone battery rechargers can be used to keep a Pi running on the go, but without a display, and a keyboard, it’s a largely unedifying experience.
We have launched!!! ???
Hello and welcome to Electromaker! Today we launched phase one of the website, which we plan to develop and expand further over the coming months.
It's Easy to Build a 3D Printed Arduino Controlled Spiderbot
The concept is simple: you take an Arduino, some servos, and a 3D printer, and you build a spider-like robot (commonly known as a spiderbot).

Repurpose Lego Dimensions and Disney Infinity Boards with This Software
It is a sad truth that toys-to-life video games have a finite lifespan. While the toys themselves can be reused (especially in the case of Lego Dimensions), the NFC-based toy boards that ship with the core titles have limited prospects.

Google Endorses Raspberry Pi Zero, ZeroPhone Fans Get Excited
Recently hitting the crowdfunding stage, the ZeroPhone – a Raspberry Pi Zero-based smartphone – is perhaps the ultimate in DIY communications projects.

Pirtual Boy Gives Forgotten Nintendo Failure a New Lease of Life (Part 1 of 3)
Back in 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy, ostensibly a portable console built into a 3D stereoscopic headset. Although marketed as a VR experience, the Virtual Boy suffered from monochrome graphics, weight, low-quality games, and a poor 3D effect.